Since September 2017, _cthruit is based in Brussels, Belgium. Since 2021, it will be again based
in Japan.
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in Balthasar in Brussels, Belgium. 10-24/12
Plain People青山店にて展覧会を行います。12/18-27
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Plain People in Aoyama, Tokyo Japan. 18-27/12
_cthruit appear on a web magazine, Hakoniwa (in Japanese)
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in Balthasar in Brussels, Belgium. 1-18/10
_cthruit pieces will be available in a newly opened concept store, Blackdot in London! 7/8
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in Balthasar in Brussels, Belgium. 12/6-12/7
_cthruit will have an exhibition in ataW in Fukui, Japan. 11-28/7
Plain People大丸札幌店にて展覧会を行います。7/18-8/3
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Plain People in Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan. 18/7-3/8
Plain People大丸東京店にて展覧会を行います。7/18-31
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Plain People in Daimaru Tokyo, Japan. 18-31/7
Plain People大丸心斎橋店にて展覧会を行います。6/4-21
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Plain People in Daimaru Shinsaibashi, Osaka, Japan. 4-21/6
Plain People六本木にて展覧会を行います。4/3-(緊急事態宣言発令により中止)
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Plain People in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan. 3/4- (Cancelled be cause of the covid-19)
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Gallery Graum in Saitama in Japan. 12-22/3
_cthruit will participate in a design market in Hasselt, Belgium. 14-15/12
[exhibition] November/December 2019
東京青山のSpiralにて行われるNew Jewelryに参加します。11/30-12/2
_cthruit will participate in a contemporary jewllery fair, New Jewelry, in Tokyo Japan in November again this year. 31/11-2/12
パリのギャラリー、Yoroppa Galerieにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a gallery in Paris, Yoroppa Galerie.
ウクライナはキエフのギャラリー、One piece Galleryにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a gallery in Kiev, Ukraine, One Piece Gallery.
オーストリアはウィーンのジュエリーショップ、Elisabeth Habigにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a jewellery shop in Vienna, Austria, Elisabeth Habig.
オランダ、アムステルダムで行われるコンテンポラリージュエリーフェア、Sieraad Art Fairに昨年に続き参加します。11/7-10
_cthruit will participate in an international contemporary jewllery fair, Sieraad Art Fair, in Amsterdam Netherlands in November again this year. 7-10 Nov.
ベルギー、ブリュッセルのファッション美術館MADで行われるMAD Fashion Salesに参加します。10/18-19
_cthruit will participate in MAD Fashion Sales in Brussels, Belgium. 18-19/10
ベルギー、ブリュッセルのLa Meuteにて行われるグループ展にオブジェで参加します。10/10-31
_cthruit's designer Kana Umeda participate in a group exhibition in La Meute in Brussels. 10-31/10
_cthruit will participate in MAD Fashion Sales in a fashion museum in Brussels. 5-6 April.
ベルギー、Gentのコンセプトストア、The Manufactoryにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a concept store in Gent, Belgium, The Manufactory.
ポルトガルのポルトのコンテンポラリージュエリーギャラリー、Inthependant Galleryにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a contemporary jewellery gallery in Porto, Portugal, Inthependant Gallery.
ポルトガルのポルトにて行われる国際合同展覧会Collectiva International Meetingに参加します。
_cthruit with participate in an international jewellery exhibition in Porto, Portugal.
ベルギー、LeuvenのジュエリーブティックLasso Jewelryにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit's pieces are now available in a contemporary jewelry boutique in Leuven, Belgium, Lasso Jewelry.
_cthruit will participate in an international contemporary jewellery fair in Bucharest, Romania. 20-21 April.
_cthruit will have an exhibition in a stockist in Fukuoka, Japan, Perche? 27 April - 7 May.
_cthruit will have an exhibition in a stockist in Tottori, Japan, SAON. 20-29 April.
_cthruit will participate in MAD Fashion Sales in a fashion museum in Brussels. 5-6 April.
ブリュッセルでアート&ファッションイベントに参加します。3/29- 31
_cthruit will participate in an art and fashion event in Brussels. 2-31 March.
ベルギー、Monsのデザイン美術館CID(Centre d'innovation et de design au Grant-Hornu)にてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit will have a new stockist in Mons, Belgium, a design museum, CID (Centre d'innovation et de design au Grant-Hornu).
アントワープのブティック内でPop upします。3/2-3
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in a boutique in Antwerp. 2-3 March.
ブリュッセルのブティック内でPop upします。2/2-3, 9-10
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in a boutique in Brussels. 2-3, 9-10 February.
中国は上海に新しくオープンしたBeast Bling Blingにてお取り扱いが始まりました。
_cthruit will have a new stockist in Shanghai, Best Bling Bling, newly opened concept store/boutique in the city.
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